Sunday 11 April 2010

Lettuce gather here together....

The start of summer always brings a desire for fresh crisp salad. Again I cheated and bought some small plug plants from our local farmers market. A Lactuca Sativa and a Cos. After a couple of weeks they have grown well and although we have eaten most of the Red Sativa, the lovely crisp cos is 'hearting up*' nicely and will be ready to cut and eat any day. (*Thanks Geoff, for that term!)
The rocket has been successful and I am totally taken by the taste. Now I know why it is so popular. You can see the pot I sowed in April has produced lots of yummy leaves which are being eaten daily by my husband for his lunch. I have planted another 2 pots but now need to buy more seeds as I think my summer 2010 obsession is certain to be rocket salad!

Blast off....we have Rocket!

I got some free seeds from the BBC Good Food Magazine for Rocket. I have never really eaten rocket but hey! lets give it a go....

Saturday 10 April 2010

N'er cast a clout

My dear old Grandma used to be very fond of the expression 'N'er cast a clout, til May is out'. It used to puzzle me as a child as to its meaning, but I did understand that it basically meant that even if the sun is shining, wait until the end of May to rely on the weather REALLY being nice.

April has crept up on me this year and today has been one of the most glorious days of sunshine so far this year. I thought of my Grandma as I threw off the winter cardigan and pottered around the garden with bare arms.

Well, I don't know if this good weather will last but I have taken the risk and planed a lot of new seeds today. I have planted directly into the ground, some Apollo Runner beans and Coriander Seed, as well as transplanting my Garden pea seedlings from their home in the greenhouse, to their new home ready to climb the netting and produce me a bumper crop again this year. It has worked out really well, as the pea seeds I put straight into the ground a few weeks ago are now above the soil and starting to develop, whereas the greenhouse ones are quite well established. This means I will have a succession of peas to enjoy.

I am surprised by the Snap Peas (Mange Tout). Last year I did really well but they seem slow to get going this year. I only got about 40% seedlings to the number of seeds I planted in the greenhouse. The ones I planted straight in the ground have been a wee bit more successful and I have about a 80% success getting seedlings. Last year, everyone was a success! I planted another 3 squares of Snap peas today in the hope that they will catch up?

So Grandma, if you are watching, please forgive the bare arms today and send me some more sunshine. The garden and I could really do with more of it!