Friday 10 April 2009

April 10th 2009

We've just returned from a week away on the Isle of Wight. It was a mixture of delight and disappointment to return to the seedlings. The weather had been warm while we were away and while some plants thrived, for others it was just to hot and we lost half of our tomato and Basil seedlings. The Summer Cauliflower's had also died in the heat and with lack of water.  The The courgettes continued in their usual manner and looked very healthy and now have X true leaves.
The Sugar Snap Peas have not only started to sprout but have amazed me with how healthy and happy they look. Out of the 18 seeds I set just 2 weeks ago, we now have 17 seedlings. I replaced the one failed seedling with a greenhouse grown seedling and the remaining with go to a friend for her garden.

After our bird attack on the garden peas, I replaced the 6 missing seedlings today and we now have to set up some temporary supports for them to grow up against.

The Garlic has also sprouted in our absence and we now have three shoots clearly above the soil.

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