Monday 27 July 2009

Salad Days

Despite the awful weather so far in July, we have enjoyed some lovely salads from our Valmaine lettuce. This is a cut-and-come-again lettuce which is small and crisp rather like a cos. Served with our first harvest of spring onions and some fresh tomatoes, the salad was divine. Still waiting for the cucumber to get to a reasonable size and then that will get the chop and be added to our side salads.

I also harvested quite alot of our runner beans this weekend. Too many for us to eat and not wanting to live on them for the next 3 weeks, I decided to prepare, blanche and freeze some ready for the winter.

When my Dad came over a few days ago, he noticed that my Early Nantes Carrots were ready to be pulled up. Low and behold, he was right and we managed to get some really beautifully tasting carrots that were perefectly shaped, sized and no invasion by the dreaded carrotfly. Next time however I will definately use the wondermesh over my brasicas as I had to pull out my failed cauliflowers. The wondermesh is a microfine netting which allows sunshine and rain to get to the plants but not the insects. The biggest pest was the notorious Cabbage White Butterfly which ravaged my plants.

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